Shishir Khadka
5 min readJan 8, 2021

A Sneak Peek Into My 2021 Content Plan

My first article of the year is different from the usual articles here.

It is a sneak peek into my content plan for 2021.

In this article, I am sharing why I make content, who I am, why I care for women entrepreneurs, and what you can expect from me in 2021.

Let Me Begin by Sharing Who My Content Is For

My content is for you if you are an ambitious, growth-minded female entrepreneur who wants to increase her income significantly while doing less work to have the freedom of time and money.

In 2021, you will see helpful actionable articles about maximizing profit, improving cash flow, and taking more of your income into your personal pocket, from me.

Not only this, you’ll learn how to do it all while improving your work-life balance, increasing confidence to run your business, without worrying about getting a lot of new clients, and without having to sacrifice your family time and energy and risking your money.

You may be a single mum torn between family duties and business responsibilities, an expert at what you do to help your clients, but no support to execute your vision and mission.

Or an established female coach, consultant, or an industry expert, whose kids have flown away from the nest and who has reached a point in her life, where she feels like that there is no personal time.

And, you have realized that you can’t afford to make more mistakes in business as the time is running out, and now you want the shortest, simple path to making more income and cash flow.

If this is you then my content is for you.

Why Am I Helping Female Entrepreneurs

When my father died, I watched my mother struggle. She struggled to make ends meet, struggled to manage a business that had a life of its own, and struggled with all the challenges that a business brings with it.

I watched her health deteriorate as her anxiety around money got higher and her self worth got lower. Her once highly creative energy all but disappeared and I watched everything deteriorate around her.

Her property business eventually collapsed, fortunately before she did.

As a creative person, she just didn’t have the energy to manage her finances as well as everything else, which ultimately led to a whole series of tragedies that she knows now could have been avoided.

After watching her go through that, while I was still at the very early stage of learning the ropes of what I do today, feeling completely helpless with no ability at that time to do anything about it, I swore I would do everything in my power to learn how to do it right.

I became financially independent, built a thriving Accountancy practice and financial coaching business in London over 10 years working with clients to scale their business with a revenue range from £40k a year to £37.5m a year and turned my small business into a growing organization that has since created employment opportunities for others.

I have so much proof of the results I have helped businesses to scale steadily, but sensibly, just at the right speed, and I want to show more creative female entrepreneurs how to do what my clients are doing to 6x their income, get complete control of their money and live a peaceful life with financial certainty helping them to sleep soundly at night.

If I can support even one woman just like my mum to do that, then that’s a great enough purpose for me!

So helping women entrepreneurs is my mission because I don’t want any other women entrepreneurs to experience what my mum did.

What Can You Expect in 2021

In 2021, I am going to cover how you can become a cash flow champion, and make more income.

In Q1, you’ll see articles on:

  • How to create more cash flow which is how to make more money in your business.
  • How to control your cash flow i.e to get grip on your cash flow.
  • On how to move more cash flow from the business to your pocket as income, to have the freedom of time and money.

If this is what you want to do, then follow me here.

An Idea A Day Series

In the new year, I am also launching the An Idea A Day Series.

There you’ll receive an idea every day, about growing cash flow and profits in your business, based on proven advice that is working for my clients.

Here is what you receive:

Mondays are about momentum and cash flow, and you will receive a strategy to improve cash flow.

Tuesdays are for-profit, and you will receive a tip to improve profit.

On Wisdom Wednesdays, we’ll together learn from a wise woman or man, an idea that is relevant to what you do and how it can help you.

As part of Tools Thursdays, you will learn about tools, systems, or processes that can help you to stop being the bottleneck in your business and make you an effective and efficient business owner.

These tools are taken from a curated list of 119 apps that put together some time back. You can check out all these apps here.

So Friday will be for FAQ Fridays.

For this, I have dug out questions from my inbox that my clients have asked me over the last 17 years. And, also the questions that I got when I did 43 1:1 calls with female entrepreneurs to ask their most burning question.

Out of all these questions, I have selected the 52 most popular ones, one for every week of the year. I’ll share the answer to each question so that it can help you if you have a similar question.

Every Saturday, you will hear a story of a female entrepreneur, who has gone through challenges, for you to relate with while you are on your business journey.

Finally, every Sunday through Shining Sundays, you will get stories of successful female entrepreneurs who are crushing it. Lessons learned from them, their story, and how they succeed so that you can just model the success, motivate, and inspire you to do the same.

I look forward to your success in 2021 and beyond.

If you got value from this article then don’t forget to clap for it.

If you like videos more than words, then I published a video with the same content, you might want to check it out below.

Shishir Khadka

Financial Coach for Female Entrepreneurs, Cash Flow and Profit Growth Expert, Host of Upcoming TheProfitPioneerShow