Carrie Green | 5 Money Lessons Learned From Author of She Means Business and Founder of Female Entrepreneur Association.

Shishir Khadka
7 min readMar 26, 2021


I came across Carrie Green during my research on female entrepreneurs.

Carrie started early as an entrepreneur.

In 2005, while studying law at the University of Birmingham, aged 19, she began her own online business that helped people unlock their mobile phones.

Carrie Green is now the Founder of the Female Entrepreneur Association (FEA), and author of the international bestseller, She Means Business.

Celebrating the famous cliché, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”, Carrie capitalized on her own struggles with mindset, limiting beliefs, and loneliness in building her first business, going on to establish FEA in 2011.

Since then, Carrie has transformed it into a 7-figure business with a network of more than half a million women from all around the world. It is one of the biggest networks of its kind in the world.

In Carrie’s Own words:

“I have had my fair share of ups and downs. I started off with nothing, but an idea, a credit card, and a marketing budget of £30 per day and I have turned it into a successful, global business.

Has it been easy? No, but if I can do it, then anyone can.

I think the secret to success is having the right mindset. You’ve got to believe you can do it, even when things seem impossible.

I started the Female Entrepreneur Association in 2011 as a way to connect with like-minded women from all over the world and find out how they keep motivated, how they overcome challenges, what things they’ve learned along the way. I love it.”

In this article, I am sharing five money lessons I learned from her words.

You can use these in your business right now. Just by reading you will strengthen your financial knowledge and get ideas to apply to your business.

5 Cash Flow Lessons Learned From Carrie Green

Let’s start with the first lesson.

Lesson 1 | Clear Your Money Blocks

In the past 14 months, I have done 47 1:1 calls with female coaches and consultants across geographies, niches, stages, and scale of the business.

I have noticed most of them have money blocks.

This usually happens because of early childhood experiences related to money.

This money block they experienced during their childhood subconsciously stays in their mind.

And when they start their business and need to start making money decisions, it holds them back.

They fear losing money, fear being judged, and think about what other people will say if they made a certain choice about money.

So, if you have experienced this, you are not alone.

Here’s the advice from Carrie Green to tackle your money blocks.

“Get clear on your money blocks by answering this question, ‘What thoughts do I have around my ability/decision to make more money?’ Write out all of your money beliefs and thoughts. Once you’re clear on what’s going on inside of your head, surrender them. Let them go, and start to open yourself. Be willing to allow more money into your life.”

Lesson 2 | Be Clear About Your Money Goals

If you are not hitting your money goals or do not have a money goal, then I believe this lesson from Carrie will be helpful for you.

It is one of my favorite lessons learned from Carrie.

Through my work with female entrepreneurs who are part of my Profit Pioneers Accelerator Program, I have noticed they focus on sales and marketing because they want to increase the number of leads and convert those leads into sales. They do it without having a connection to their money goals.

If you don’t know where you want to be money-wise and when from where you are right now, how will you reach where you want to be?

That’s where having SMART money goals comes into place.

You start with your quarter money goal in mind and build a plan of action to reach your money goal.

Carrie sums up nicely by saying:

“Whether your business is already generating revenue or not, take some time to think about what you want your money story to look like. Get clear on your money goals and then work backward and ask yourself, “What can I do right now to start generating this revenue?” Open up your mind and start exploring the possibilities.”

Lesson 3 | Money Lost Is Lesson Learned

Do you fear losing money in business?

Are you not sure about the return on your investment?

And this fear and lack of clarity and certainty hold you back tightly and as a result, you feel stuck in analysis paralysis, then you’ll find this lesson from Carrie Green, helpful.

It’s natural to feel and experience fear.

But we need to get over it if we want to do anything in life.

If we don’t attempt to ride a bicycle because we fear falling while learning, then we will never learn how to ride a bicycle.

In the same way, if you are stuck and do not attempt new things in your business, then chances are you will not be able to move forward.

You have to be prepared to make mistakes and it’s okay.

They are the lessons learned.

This is what Carrie had to say:

“Sometimes, you have to go wrong in order, to learn how to go right. And it’s all OK. It’s part of the adventure.”

Lesson 4 | Get Clear on Your Mission, Vision, and Value You Bring to Your Clients

I was having a call with a health coach last week and she said, “Shishir, this month I haven’t sold anything and it’s already the middle of the month.”

Watching cash flow ups and downs in a business is like being on a roller coaster. That’s part of being an entrepreneur. We all have to face this at some point. One month is so good and the next month can be next to nothing.

There are several reasons why this happens.

Procrastination is one of the main reasons why this happens.

Entrepreneurs procrastinate because they get into analysis paralysis.

So if you are experiencing similar challenges, then you want to hear this from what Carrie said about this…

“Sometimes you just don’t know how the money will come. Sometimes you doubt if it will come, but if you believe in your idea. if you are clear on your mission if you know who your audience is, and if you get yourself in front of them, engage with them, and communicate your value with them, you’ll figure out a way to get the money to come.”

Lesson 5 | Take the Right Action

If you keep on doing what you have already been doing, then you can’t expect different results, change for the better, or innovation in your business.

I believe that we should not focus too much on what’s urgent and necessary, and focus more on what’s important to our long-term success.

If you are afraid of changes in your business, then chances are you will not get where you want to be. Even if you do reach there, it’ll take a lot more time.

To grow your business, figure out which action is the right one for you, and do it so that you can move forward in your business.

This is what Carrie had to say on this.

Take the right action. The last part of the jigsaw puzzle to financial abundance that got me to where I wanted to be, was action — specifically, taking the right action. When opportunities came up, I pounced on them, even when I was terrified. I wasn’t where I wanted to be financially, because I was taking the wrong action. I was doing things that were never going to get me, to where I wanted to be, so I had to figure out what action I could take, that would transform my situation, So if what you’re doing now isn’t working, then what other action could you take?”

If you want to grow, get into a habit of learning and educating yourself. This is crucial if you want to be successful in business.

This is also how you implement what Carrie said and I shared earlier in this article that learning how to control your finances is one of the most important things that you will ever do.

So, if you want to go far in your business and impact the lives of a lot of people like Carrie Green, create a habit of learning, educating, and implementing habits that are crucial for your growth.

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If you like videos more than words, then I published a video with the same content, you might want to check it out below.



Shishir Khadka

Financial Coach for Female Entrepreneurs, Cash Flow and Profit Growth Expert, Host of Upcoming TheProfitPioneerShow